
The Most Requested In-Person Presentations

The Nature & Character of God

What makes God GOD and what kind of God he is

The Lordship of Christ

Traces the emergent authority of Christ from his incarnation to his exaltation

Good Dogma

A grand tour of the Bible’s ten biggest ideas

The Mission Statements of Jesus

The 6 mission statements spoken by Jesus himself

The Art of Righteousness

The meaning, source, nature, and expression of righteousness in the life of the believer

Sex in the City of God

What the Bible actually says about sex, gender, and gender roles

Biblical World View

Seeing the world through the lens of scripture

The Goodness of God

Defining what we mean by “good” and examining how every act of God is an expression of his perfect goodness

The New Order: Old Covenant vs New Covenant Leadership

An illuminating study of the vital differences between the Old Testament and New Testament leadership models

Principles of Biblical Worship

The nature and practice of Christian worship

The Troubling Trinity

A deep study of the glory (and the issues) of the Christian concept of the Godhead